Pussy Galore – Feel Good About Your Body EP [White Label] (7″, US)

[unknown] n/a SHOV 1/ACR 004
A1. Die Bitch
A2. HC Rebellion

B1. Constant Pain
B2. Car Fantasy

This is the white label issue of the ‘Shove Records / Adult Contemporary’ single with white labels and identical cover artwork with the exception of the quality of the artwork and the label address which is either absent (presumably this is a photocopy of the later version which had the original address blacked-out).

Exact date of issue unknown.

The cover-artwork of this pressing looks like a higher-contrast photocopy copy of the original pressing. The test pressing of this version of the EP was also issued in the same lower quality version of the sleeve.

The run-out groove engraving on some copies of this record have been manually crossed-through to the point where absolutely no characters can be identified but on some copies it is still intact (A: “U-30463M-A” / B: “U-30463M-B”).

“The first thing Pussy Galore ever did; we practiced twice before this session. For HC Rebellion, Julie read from the letters section of ‘Maximum Rock ‘n Roll’. Recorded in somebody’s living room. Oct. 14, ’85” – Sleeve notes to Corpse Love.

nb. the letters were taken from Maximum RockNRoll, issue No. 28, September 1985 and a longer recording was issued on Oven Bait (Original Version).

Julie Cafritz posted a letter from Chumley Productions, Inc. who state that a pressing plant refused to press this record.

This record was originally released as a 7″ by Shove! and the tracks were officially re-released on Groovy Hate Fuck (12″, UK), Corpse Love and reissued as a 7″ for Record Store Day on 21 April 2012.

Barrett Jones discussing the recording of this EP* from Let’s Get Ready to Rumble from TheStranger.com:

*the article states that he recorded four songs for $150 which suggests it’s Feel Good About Your Body and not Groovy Hate Fuck is it later refers to the release in question.

“When he agreed to record Galore, Jones had just moved out of his parents’ house and was still getting settled into his new home, which also doubled as a studio. In among broken mic stands, old tape machines, and piles of cassettes and cords, five people lived and slept in the house. Jones didn’t know his roommates well, but they were all young, and he hoped recording bands wouldn’t be that much of an issue. Then Pussy Galore showed up.

When the band’s beat-up van pulled up to the curb sputtering and spewing thick gray smoke, and three guys and a girl wearing black leather spilled out, Jones was a little unsure of what he had gotten himself into. He’d only recorded a few times before, and as a result, offered extremely cheap rates–in this case, $150 for four complete songs. Those four songs ended up taking four hellish days.

First, Spencer was never happy with the takes. “He’d say, ‘That sounds too good–make it sound worse,'” Jones remembers. Then there was Julia Cafritz, the other singer at the time. She bragged about smoking three packs of cigarettes a day, and filled the house with a dense cloud of smoke. And Pussy Galore loved noise–loud, obnoxious noise. “God, I hated them for that,” admits Jones.

To the chagrin of Jones’ roommates, the band had a seemingly endless supply of noisemaking tools. They’d power up a rusty chainsaw for one song and hammer a steel oil drum on another. They broke glass and banged on sheet metal for hours. They also liked guitar feedback, and would spend forever perfecting just the right squeal. Finally, four days later, his ears assaulted to the point of bleeding and his legs cramped from crouching in the control-room closet, Jones was finished with Pussy Galore’s album, called Groovy Hate Fuck. Needless to say, Jones and his home studio soon found another location.” – Let’s Get Ready to Rumble

Vocals/Guitar/Metal: Jon Spencer
Guitar/Vocals: Julia Cafritz
Drums/Metal: John Hammill

A1. Die Bitch
Writer: Spencer
Recorded at the Laundry Room on Oct 14th 1985 by Barret Jones

A2. HC Rebellion
Writer: Spencer
[Julie read from the letters section of ‘Maximum Rock ‘n Roll’]
Recorded at the Laundry Room on Oct 14th 1985 by Barret Jones

B1. Constant Pain
Writer: Spencer
Recorded at the Laundry Room on Oct 14th 1985 by Barret Jones

B2. Car Fantasy
Writer: Spencer
Recorded at the Laundry Room on Oct 14th 1985 by Barret Jones

“Thanks to Ian + Jeff”
ARTWORK: [no details given]


A: [crossed out] / “U-30463M-A”*
B: [crossed out] / “U-30463M-B”*

*each side has a one-character signature (could be a ‘B’, ‘M’ or ‘S’).