Pussy Galore – 7:30 Club, Jacksonville, FL, US (12 January 1986)

Pussy Galore show at 7:30 Club, Jacksonville, FL, US on 12 January 1986.

Pussy Galore line-up:

Jon Spencer
Julia Cafritz
John Hammill
Neil Hagerty
Tom Smith

“First PG tour(with Peach of Immortality), December 1985, somewhere in Florida that wasn’t Tallahassee(which was a great show at the short lived, very cool, ahead of its time, noise venue, the Ca Chapel) so let’s say Tampa, but it could have been Jacksonville, throughout that tour, kids would often lament, by way of explanation for not attending that night’s festivities, ” Gee, man, we’d love to go to the show but the Circle Jerks are playing tomorrow night and we spent all our money on those tickets” OR ” Gee, dude, we’d love t o go to your show tonight but the Circle Jerks played last night and we spent all our money on those tickets”. This was a common refrain throughout the South that December. In this case, the supposedly disappointed wannabe concert goers were a particularly nasty looking group of skinheads, who would hate our music under any circumstances. So imagine our surprise, when despite not having cash/or tickets, they stormed into this small club anyway. Surprise, surprise, “we sucked even for free” so after milling about and figuring out that they couldn’t really skank to us, (although, surprise, surprise, they did like one song: “You Look Like a Jew”), they began to conspicuously fill beer bottles with their own “homemade brew” right in front of us. When they offered us these bottles of “beer” , laughing and pushing each other, I said, truthfully, “We don’t drink.” They wouldn’t be thwarted, so they threw the bottles of piss at us, and then got mad when we abruptly terminated our set early.” – Julie Cafrtiz (7 February 2021)

“the 1986 venue was the 730 Club in Jax, and the song they really 1) failed to comprehend 2) warmed up to was “Cunt Tease,” especially given its “Fuck You!” Interjections / internal rebuke to narrator, semiotics etc. Both you and Jon were gloriously acidic during that number and throughout the set” – Tom Smith (7 February 2021)