Heavy Trash – The Horseshoe Tavern, Toronto, ON, Canada (17 October 2014)

Heavy Trash – The Horseshoe Tavern, Toronto, ON, Canada (17 October 2014) Heavy Trash show at The Horseshoe Tavern, 370 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON, Canada on 17 October 2014.

Heavy Trash Line-Up:

Ramshackle Sam Baker
Bloodshot Bill
Jon Spencer
Matt Verta-Ray

Live Photo: https://twitter.com/TakumiTsuda9148/status/523351239086837760

Venue: www.horseshoetavern.com

Event Page: http://www.horseshoetavern.com/event/666221-heavy-trash-toronto/

Tickets: http://www.ticketfly.com/purchase/event/666221